
Shopping -day180

Shopping -day180, originally uploaded by tpurk.

Needed a few new duds for my new job (or at least that's what I told Dan!).


Pattern -day179

Pattern -day179, originally uploaded by tpurk.

I bought a couple new lamps from Ikea and this one has such a cool shade - love the basketweave pattern. However, it's actually crisp white, not this golden yellow but since I took it at night (desperate for a POTD) and w/o a flash, it turned gold......which is okay; it's still a cool pattern.


Abstract -day178

Abstract -day178, originally uploaded by tpurk.

Odd, I know, but I found it oddly intriguing. Started with pics of our first rose bud opening (planter on the deck), and though it was nice, it was ordinary.

I scooted around the deck on my fanny looking for a different perspective of the plants I have and this one presented itself. Love the colorful grass and thought this made an interesting abstract.....


Supplies -day177

Supplies -day177, originally uploaded by tpurk.

Short on inspiration, long on crafting supplies. This is the collection of bottles of various media that I use in my collages and journal pages. Whoever knew you needed so much stuff to make a collage? See good old fashioned Elmer's in the back? Still use it now and then....


Natural heart -day176

Natural heart -day176, originally uploaded by tpurk.

Was pulling weeds today and came across this one - noticed the heart design on the leaves and just didn't have the "heart" to pull it! :) Left it there for now.....


Peony Petals -day175

Peony Petals -day175, originally uploaded by tpurk.

My arrangement of peonies is finally fading. I went to clip the stems & freshen the water but when I lifted the flower, all the petals fell off.

Time for a picture! Grabbed my black table cloth (why do I even have a black one?) and there you go.


Botanical garden

At the botanical garden there is this bell tower sculpture over a "schoolhouse" and I've been meaning to photo it for awhile - today is the day.

This is standing directly under the bell looking up - clearly no blue sky.
A strong, short rain storm blew through and made all the flowers really wet but I took some shots anyway.  Love the droplets on the petals.

Really pretty roses!  Peonies are in bloom too, but I've already posted several peony shots this month...

More rusty -day174

More rusty -day174, originally uploaded by tpurk.

Went to the botanical garden today after errands, but there was a recent downpour, so the flowers were droopy and REALLY wet (took some good shots anyway). Wandered in a different area and lo and behold, found rusty. Yay for rusty! It's some sort of meter or gauge or something.....


Roof abstract -day173

Roof abstract -day173, originally uploaded by tpurk.

I absolutely LOVE roof line abstracts and patterns. Went to lunch with Eric down by the Center and noticed this roof. I had to stand out in the middle of the street in between green lights and he told me when traffic was coming again. Totally worth it! Roofs are cool!

Daylily -day172

Daylily -day172, originally uploaded by tpurk.

Yet another flower - totally uninspired today. I had a job interview in the morning then met Dan for lunch. He was running late so I wandered the parking lot and took this.

I really need to work on expanding my subject selection!


Peony, again -day171

I took a little more time with this shot compared to my "hop out of bed, I need a photo" shot. I adore the layers and ruffles of peonies, so I came in close for this one. SOOC

Seattle skyline -day170

Seattle skyline -day170, originally uploaded by tpurk.

Mike, Anna and Sean are here for a couple days and the weather turned beautifully sunny and warm this evening so we headed to Alki beach. We had fish and chips on the beach then walked along enjoying this outstanding view of the city. It's SO pretty here!

I'm also including this in Watery Wednesdays - you can click through HERE and see lots more beautiful watery photos.

Peony -day169

Peony -day169, originally uploaded by tpurk.

We had company all day and I went to bed totally forgetting about my POTD. Laid there for a minute and remembered that I hadn't taken a pic so got back up and wandered the house looking for something quick. Thus, peonies on the dining table. Luckily they had started to open.


Ready for a wedding -day168

Ready for a wedding -day168, originally uploaded by tpurk.

Dan and I all dressed up to head to Brett's wedding. When was the last time we dressed up to go somewhere? I think when we were in Vegas and went to a dinner/show with friends.


new sofa -day167

Our new sofa arrived tonight! Dan was at the Mariners game with Eric (we won!) for Father's Day, Tom and Cindy were at Brett's rehearsal dinner, so I was home alone waiting for the sofa. The old one is pushed back til Dan gets home to help me move it to the garage - just in time for our sale! Quite a difference in style, huh?

new flower -day166

I saw this plant at Home Depot and had to have it. The ranunculus I planted were starting to look really sad; the greens were mostly yellow and brown and the few remaining blooms were small and droopy. So, when I saw this, I knew immediately where it would go. It's an orchid primrose - never heard of it, but it's totally cool!


Bee -day165

Bee -day165, originally uploaded by tpurk.

As you know, I usually focus on trying to find the prettiest angle to capture the color or whatever of a flower. And I love the subtle soft colors of this rhody. But it was swarming with bees, so I really had no choice but to change my focus this time!


From Above -day164

From Above -day164, originally uploaded by tpurk.

DailyShoot theme: FROM ABOVE

This is a rusty hydrant down the street - as you might suspect, I love the rusty loveliness of this.


Rusty stuff -day163

My POTD was found on my photo walk - it was by a boat trailer that obviously hadn't moved in awhile. You know how I LOVE rusty stuff!

This was my outtake - also by the boat trailer...some kind of crank. Couldn't decide, so included them both.

Same walk, different yard. I found this patch of stunning calla lilies. I've never seen so many perfect callas outside of a florist shop! Not a blemish in sight.


Ron -day 162

day 162, originally uploaded by tpurk.

Ron and Jeanne hosted a brunch at their place this morning and it was de-lish! So much food and good company. I caught him as he finally was able to take a break from his chef duties.


Grid or square -day161

Grid or square -day161, originally uploaded by tpurk.

DailyShoot theme: Grid or Square
On my walk this morning I walked past this grid of circles (pipe) at a construction site.


Underneath -day159

I returned to the botanical garden today to take advantage of the slight cloud breaks. I was hoping peonies would be blooming but they look like they've got another few weeks..... At one point I sat down to get a different perspective (see the next post for those shots) and remembered the bright idea to try some shots from the flower's perspective. So I just put my camera down near the ground, aimed it generally up, and shot away. No looking through the viewfinder to frame the shot, no lighting/color adjustments, just random pics. As you might suspect, lots weren't any good - too bright, too boring, too out of focus, only sky, etc. However, I did a few very interesting shots that convinced me that this can be a fun technique to try every once in awhile!

The idea for this was planted by a post I read at The Kat's Eye View. You can see more "underneath" shots from other photographers there.

Underneath Series

I went to the botanical garden hoping for peonies in bloom - it's still a bit early. Then I turned a corner and found these GIANT blooms that I had no idea what they are. Turns out they're peonies! A single variety, I guess. So, the ubiquitous macro and a wider view from sitting on the ground.

Here are a few "underneath" outtakes......

The sky is totally blown out in this purple one, but I kind of like the brightness behind....


Edge -day158

DailyShoot theme: ON THE EDGE

Here are my tootsies wiggling to grip the edge of the stairs. Newly painted for summer.


Tracks -day157

Found this photo op while waiting for Dan to meet me for lunch. Killed several birds with one stone: lunch, seeing Dan, POTD!


Watering -day156

With a sunny weekend behind us and another day without rain, it was definitely time to water our newly planted shrubs and flowers. Ever tried watering AND photographing? Interesting....

Dinner Time -day155


Went to dinner with some girlfriends and afterwards we wandered down to the water (Montlake cut). These guys were apparently also having dinner and gave me my "unusual perspective".

Mt. Rainier -day154

Cindy S and I went to garage sales with Cindy C on Magnolia this morning. As we drove around a corner, this was our view so I had to stop and take a photo from the middle of the road. The yard sales were fun and we each found a couple of treasures - but this may have been the best of all - gorgeous weather and hanging out with friends.

Poppy Outtakes

Edge -day153

DailyShoot theme: EDGE
A field of poppies by the greenhouses is finally in bloom so I had to stop. And look, a clear blue sky!


Flowers again -day152

Enough of the construction for awhile and back to flowers. This is a petunia up close and personal. I liked the graphic composition though it may be a little dark.

Backhoe -day151

More construction - I went to the kitchen and this was my view - it looked like he was aiming that backhoe arm right at me! I could see his every expression. Wonder if he noticed me snapping away? Though I had some showing him closer, I liked this one framed by the window mullions.

Construction -day150

Late afternoon and this is what happened over our back fence today! Two houses going in. It feels like they're going to be 10 feet away!

Mowing -day149

DailyShoot theme: STOP ACTION

This Sunday morning Dan got started on the yard at 8am! It takes such a long time, he didn't want it to eat into the whole day. Since I didn't think I'd see much more action than this, I played paparazzi and followed him around snapping away! His posture sure doesn't scream "I'm having so much fun!" does it?

Metallic surface -day148

DailyShoot theme: METALLIC SURFACE

I've had this oval stainless bowl for years (a gift from LaMar) and currently it's on the dining table. I noticed how it reflected the walls of the room and thought it was interesting - a challenge to photograph and keep out of the reflection!